Friday, June 5, 2009


For a couple of years now I've let the decorating of the house slide. My priorities had shifted and with everything else going on with trying to have babies ect. I just didn't pay much attention to the house. I really, really miss putting out little decorations to mark the seasons and getting a new house thing once in a while. I was actually getting really, really down about it. Things like decorating used to take no effort at all from me. I feel like I lost a piece of myself. So I'm taking it back!

Last week I painted our Master bathroom. Instead of boring builder white it's now a lovely shade of lavender. Ahhhhhh relaxing! I had taken most of our pictures off of the wall last year when we had the house on the market. So I put a bunch of those back on the wall. My family room actually feels like mine again.

I WILL put up fall decorations this year. I WILL decorate for Christmas (more then just putting up the tree), I WILL bake Christmas cookies this year.

My next project is to paint our entry way. It's a dark blue now, same color as the family room. It will be turning into Dutch Boy's "blondie boy". It's a cream with a hint of yellow. Hopefully that will be next week.

Now do I take down the crib in Madeline's old room? That's a hard one. It's been my sign of hope for almost 4 years now. I would like my scrapbooking room back though. I guess we'll have to wait and see on that one.

In any case I'm taking my house back!

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