Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ah sleep! :)

Many of you know that we have had major problems with Madeline and sleep. The first sign that she is sick or is even thinking about getting sick she stops sleeping. We've tried everything including letting her scream in her crib for hours until she throws up. I've thrown many a sheet into the wash at midnight. She seems to need the comfort of sleeping with mom and dad when she's sick. So honestly we gave up. We need sleep too.

So we got quite the pleasant surprise when on Tuesday night she slept in her crib from 7:30 to 6:30 am. (yes I woke up at 4am worried). She MUST be feeling better. We wondered if we'd get a repeat performance last night. We DID, except this time she slept til 7am. WOW! Get this girl some candy! Hey I'm not above rewards (aka bribery) I hope she keeps it up! We just need to pray for health.

In other Madeline news she is getting the hang of going on the potty. She actually does it on purpose now and understands getting rewards. She loves her stickers. :) She even managed to go at her grandparents the other day on a regular toilet. Soon I'll try sticking her in underwear and see how that goes. I know she'll pee in them but at least she'll know when she's wet that way. Don't worry we have enough clothes to change her 5 times a day if need be.

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