Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My meds have arrived!

I'm a scrapbooker. I like to document every stage and activity of our lives. So it's only fitting that when my medication arrived today I took a picture. I received 4 different medications: Lupron, aspirin, estrace, and crinone. I also got needles and a sharps container. Oh joy! I already have (and am taking) the birth control pills. Those were free (haha at least something is free). So without further ado the meds...
There is actually more of the crinone (progesterone gel) but I didn't feel like stacking it all up.

These are the meds I took for Madeline:
There are quite a few more meds there. I'm sure it's hard to see as that's not my original picture. For Madeline I was on Gonal F (shots), HCG (shots), aspirin, a trigger shot, PIO (10 weeks of shots) and crinone. There may have been more I blocked out.

If you want to get technical (and if this works) I was on BOTH of those pictures of medications for the baby yet to be growing inside me. I hesitate to say yet to be conceived because in my mind the baby was conceived 2.5 years ago. The two embryo's that are on ice are 6 days after conception already. So when they are put back in their rightful home I will already be 3 weeks pregnant. It's also strange to think that if those embryo's were put back in instead of Madeline's embryo she would still be on ice and we've have a different first born. Weird.Very.Weird!

I'm sure my thoughts sound strange to a lot of you. Just you wait! If you think I sound crazy now, check in after I start on the drugs. You haven't seen crazy until you've seen me on drugs!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh Shannon! I can remember opening that box and being completely terrified of all the stuff that was in there. However, knowledge truly was power and once I knew what everything was for, it made it a bit easier. It's still not easy though and we'll continue to pray for you. I am amazed at your strength and know God has wonderful things planned for you!