Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years resolution

I don't usually make a new years resolution, but this year I'm going to. I resolve to do family devotions every night after dinner! This is something that we were really faithful with before Madeline was born. Since her birth we've slacked off because it was easier. We're now at a point where she won't sit still to do them. This is going to be a challenge but one we need to take on. Don't get me wrong Madeline does get the Bible read to her. In fact it's one of her favorite books but Eric and I are not being good examples for her at the moment. She needs to learn the discipline of sitting, listening, and discussing of God's Word.

I realized just how neglectful we've been at doing this while we were in South Dakota for Christmas. Every time we'd do family devotions she was naughty, talking and screaming through them. On Christmas day we took her into church because there was no nursery. At first she did well. She loved the songs and clapped and yelled YAY after each one Then it was prayer time. As soon as we closed our eyes she yelled UH OH! Then proceeded to yell, "momma, daddy, papa, nana, Kum, RIS". I think uncle Chris chuckled during his prayer. This is the point we escorted her out of church.

You see parenting is not easy but we've been taking the easy way out of this one. That will change in 2009!

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