Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2 months old!

Duncan is now 2 months old. All of you with kids know that that means SHOTS. We had the dreaded first shot appointment today. Duncan weighs in at a healthy 12 pounds, 12 ounces (88th%) and is 23 1/4 inches (75th%). Now I'm pretty sure his length is wrong because 2 weeks ago when we measured him at home he was just shy of 24 inches. Plus everyone always comments on how long he is. I said something to the "nurse" and she said last time they measured him at just over 21 inches. I didn't feel like arguing but that was his birth length and I know when we were there at 1 month he was over 22 inches according to their measurement. SIGH

Doctor said he has the head control of a 4 month old. YAY Duncan. She also continues to be impressed by my use of cloth diapers. She also said she thought it would be ok if I tried him on a regular formula again. We'll attempt that upon return from California.

After getting his clean bill of health it was time for the shots... 3 of them and a liquid one. Duncan started screaming while we waited for the nurse to come in for the shots. He was MAD. It was like he knew what was coming. He must have really been disturbing the staff because the doctor peaked her head in and asked (in a very annoyed almost accusing me of some sort of abuse tone of voice) if he was ok or if I needed some formula. You can definitely tell she doesn't have any children

He did pretty well with the shots. They let me stay in the room afterward to nurse him. I think they just wanted him to be quiet. Seriously, you'd think they thought I enjoyed hearing him scream like that.

Now our little Doodle sleeps. I'm hoping he sleeps well tonight too. Mama's tired!


1 comment:

Beth said...

Our pediatrician always lets me stay late to nurse too. However, Alyssa justs wants her pacifier and wants to go home! Glad to hear he is so healthy!