Monday, February 2, 2009

72 hours

In 72 hours we should be on our way home with -hopefully- 2 embryo's on board. I'm still in denial that this is all happening for the most part. It's been too easy. Way. Too. Easy.

In 72 hours my bladder will -hopefully- be comfortably empty. (You have to have a full bladder for the transfer) I'm sure Eric hopes this too. Last time, on our way home, we had to stop 2 or 3 times for me to use the bathroom. I don't know what was going on with my bladder but it wasn't pretty. I've considered getting a diaper this time. Just.In.Case. I wonder if Madeline's diapers would work ok. Might have to bring one. I think it will be just about rush hour when we leave downtown. That won't bode well for emergency bathroom stops. Not.At.All.

So it's decided, diaper it is!

One last thought. People always say "implanted" and "eggs". For the record, we are not having "eggs" "implanted". We are having (hopefully) 2 EMBRYO's TRANSFERRED. The embryo's, God willing, will implant themselves in my juicy uterine lining. I have been asked many times through this whole thing, "so you'll have twins then?" If the embryo's were implanted by the doctor then yes I suppose I'd have twins. BUT since they are just TRANSFERRED, there is no gaurantee that we will even have 1 out of this whole thing.

Here is where I beg for more prayers. Thank you to all of you who have prayed thus far. Even though there is this great technology it is still all in God's hands. Doctors can only do so much.

1 comment:

Emily Dykstra said...

You got it, babe... Big, juicy, hopeful prayers sent your way. I noticed you were kind of quiet and "to yourself" on Sunday. I remember feeling that way, too... like my heart would burst if I talked to anyone.

Lord, hear the prayers of Eric and Shannon.