Thursday, February 19, 2009

Watch what you say!

I'm warning you! Madeline now repeats EVERYTHING!! A couple of days ago, Madeline decided she was too good for a spoon and ate her applesauce with her fingers and by "drinking" out of the container. I looked over at her about 5 minutes later and exclaimed "Oh Goodness". Now every time she finishes eating she feels the need to say "oh goodness". Don't even get me started on the word fart.

Madeline also enjoys telling us what to say. She'll fall ( she likes to fake fall for some reason) and then say "ok" meaning she wants us to ask her if she's ok. She'll then say, "uh huh" and go about her business. Sometimes she makes us ask her entire entourage and all her toys if they're ok too. This whole process can take quite a while since we have about a million toys.

She has also become obsessed with the Little Mermaid. At first I was very excited that she enjoyed a Disney movie since we're going there soon but watching it 3 times a day is not so fun for me. I solved this problem buy getting the other 2 Mermaid movies for some variety.

Counting: Madeline can now count to 10. Well she's apparently not fond of the numbers 4-6 but she counts in order. I even heard her counting to 12 the other day.

Colors: Her favorite color is green. She absolutely loves green. She can also identify blue (most of the time) pink, yellow, and purple.

Shapes: she knows circle, square, triangle, star, and is working on octagon, hexagon, oval, and rectangle.

Puzzles: she'll be moving on to 500 piece puzzles soon I'm sure.

Coloring: haven't mastered this one yet. She prefers playing with stickers.

Reading: She can read entire encyclopedia's. She still loves to read to herself but is enjoying an entire story read to her by us now. We can actually read the story instead of just talking about the pictures now.

Alphabet: this one is tricky. She doesn't like to practice but then she'll surprise us by picking out a letter on our clothing. So we know she's learning. She just doesn't like to show off ;)

Matching: she loves to match things. She enjoys playing memory (although we just match the cards at this point). She also likes grouping all of her little people together in categories.

Talking: she loves to talk. She is speaking in sentences more and more and we can understand most of what she says.

Our little girl is growing up.

1 comment:

Beth said...

It just goes so fast! Enjoy all the little mishaps in her learning. You're going to think back on them and how cute they were once she gets it all "right."