Sunday, November 23, 2008


Madeline has many talents. Dancing, jumping, and carrying big things are among them. Today we discovered a new talent. Madeline wakes up pretty early so is usually napping by around noon. Church gets over about 11:45 and we live at least 45 minutes away. So Madeline is usually sleeping before we arrive home. For the last few months we've been grabbing something for her on the way home. Today we stopped and got crazy bread from Little Caesar's. Madeline was chowing down. Pretty soon it was pretty quiet. I look back and her eyes are closed but she's still chewing. If that wasn't talent enough, when I looked back again she was putting the bread in her mouth, taking another bite. That ladies and gentlemen is true talent! Forget about walking and chewing gum (which I'm sure Madeline could do if we let her have gum), Madeline can eat while sleeping.

Sometimes I really wish we owned a video camera!

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