Monday, December 8, 2008


I am a planner at heart. I love making lists and dreaming of what's to come. Currently, I'm in planning mode for a couple of things. We're going to be moving Madeline into her big girl room in a couple of weeks in hopes she sleeps better in a bed then she does in her crib. I just installed her closet organizer into her new closet which is twice the size of her current one. YAY! I am also trying to find some really cute bedding. You see when we did her nursery we did it more gender neutral thinking we wouldn't have to redo it when a 2nd child came. It's underwater themed and if it weren't for the purple walls it would be more boyish then anything. So I'm having a lot of fun trying to find bedding. I'm thinking we'll do fairy's or ballet or something really girly. Now if I could just find something in queen size I'd be a happy camper!

The second thing I'm planning is a Disney Vacation that we're taking in early 2010. I'm having a lot of fun deciding where to stay and what things to do and see. I spend a lot of time on the disboards reading threads about who liked this and who hated that. I really am enjoying the planning of this vacation. If for some reason the FET doesn't work in a couple of months we'll be taking the trip in September of 2009 instead. :)

Thirdly, we're anticipating having a baby in October or November of next year. I'm currently starting to mentally go through the new things we'll need. Things like "will we need a double stroller or will a sit to stand be sufficient for Madeline?" "Should we get that video monitor in hopes that my paranoia will be less next time around?" Things get added to the list daily like now I feel the need for a hooter hider even though I doubt I'll be able to breastfeed. And it would be really cool to have a Maya wrap instead of the bjiorn we already have. Then I have to tell myself to stop all the planning because "you don't want to be all prepared for something that isn't going to happen". So I haven't actually made a physical list as of yet. We'll wait for that til May or June I think.

Lets not forget that Madeline's 2nd birthday is coming up in a little over 3 months. Although I don't really want to think about that so no planning is happening for that as of yet.

Also, we still need to sell this house so at least once a week we come up with a new plan of attack for that. Right now we go back and forth between re-listing the house in the spring and just putting it as low as we can go in order to afford the next house and waiting til 2010 after the Disney trip. The only clear answer that will help is if we get pregnant with twins. THEN we'll know that God is telling us to wait til 2010 to sell. We're waiting for the big 2 X 4 on the house thing and the biggest 2 X 4 I can think of would be twins.

Then I find myself remembering that only God knows the plans he has for me so maybe I should stop, breathe, and let go.


Beth said...

I love reading your blog. You say so many things that I too am thinking. Don't worry, if God blesses you with twins you'll find a way to manage it, even if you do move first! We'll continue to pray!

Emily Dykstra said...

Hi, Chica-

Ah, yes. Planning. The bane of everyone's existence.

I admire your hope and strength. And you know what? If you did a poll of small group (and everyone was just as honest as you) I think you'd find that we all *wonder* what God has in store for our families.

Keep hoping and working towards those wonderful goals.
