Yesterday we had a fun time playing in the snow. Madeline really seemed to enjoy it!
This is fun mom!
She almost tasted it but not quite. Good thing cause I saw a dog out there earlier ;)
Icicles are yummy!
The deer wanted a taste...
... and so did the penguin
One last taste.
After all the fun (about 10 minutes she didn't have any gloves) I told her we'd go in for some hot chocolate. Too bad she thought that meant chocolate chips. So instead of hot chocolate she had a lovely "snack" of chocolate chips. Yes I know.
Holey cuteness, Batman! She is just adorable. What a great mom you are, Shannon.
My kids didn't even like being out in the snow until they were two, so good for you! Have fun, these days fly by so fast!
Beth, Madeline hated it last year. I should dig up the post of an unimpressed Madeline taking a ride on the sled last year.
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