Saturday, December 6, 2008


One of the traditions we started when Madeline was born was to celebrate Sinterklaas. This way we could have "Santa" bring presents on a day that wasn't Christmas thus satisfying the hunger for Santa (and boy does she have it this year) but not focusing so much on gifts at Christmas. As a bonus it ties in our Dutch heritage to the festivities. We are really trying hard to focus on the birth of Christ at Christmas and not so much on Santa, although she will still get a stocking with small things like headbands and a book or two.

Last night Madeline put out her wooden shoes.
She didn't quite get it so was trying to wear them at first.
Then she must have thought we said if you put your wooden shoes by the door Sinterklaas leaves presents in your nose ;)

This morning we woke up VERY early (4:45). So instead of trying to force her back to sleep we decided to head downstairs to see if Sinterklaas left us anything.

He did!
Look mom the presents were left by my shoes!
One of Madeline's favorite songs is the wheel on the bus. Everytime she sees a school bus she starts singing "round n round". We thought she'd love this!
She loves to lift heavy things.

Even though it was early she enjoyed opening her gifts. Hopefully next year she'll understand even more about the holiday.


Beth said...

What a fun tradition. Hopefully she won't continue to wake you up at 4:45 every year. I don't know how you make it through a day!

Shannon said...

If you saw my house you'd know how I got through. Nothing much gets done around here during the day. ;)