Thursday, March 5, 2009

Potty Training and Big Girl Bed

We've been busy around here the last couple of days. Madeline has started to prefer her big girl bed and asks to go there at midnight every night BUT she won't sleep there by herself. So we're working on it.

Yesterday she decided she was going to start potty training. We've been taking her to the potty every night before bath and she tells us AFTER she goes all the time. Yesterday she switched things up and started telling us BEFORE she went. She gets 2 stickers every time she tells us she has to go. She went once during the day yesterday, before bath, before bed, at 2 am and at 6:30 this morning. We'll see if this keeps up. I must say I was hoping to wait until after Disney so we wouldn't have to run to the bathroom every hour while there but if she's gonna train herself I can't complain!

Speaking of Disney we now have a video camera. It's a sony hanycam and it is TINY! It's the size of a regular point and shoot camera. So far I love it! I have also been learning how to use my Nikon D40 properly. I think I have the basics down. Here are some pictures I took for practice.

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